FDP on ICT Tools in Teaching Chemistry - St.Teresa’s College (Autonomous)

FDP on ICT Tools in Teaching


Faculty Development Program is defined as a wide range of activities that institutions apply to support the faculty member's duties. ICT or Information and Communication Technology helps teachers to identify the student with creative skills in the institute. Also, it helps teachers to motivate students and their interest in learning. FDP programs are designed to improve the performance of faculties, research, and administration. Also helps to improve arguments organizational capacities and culture. 

Importance of FDP and ICT in Education

Faculty vitality is the main ingredient to enhance professional education and competence. Enriching the faculty vitality will improve teaching, research, etc. and thereby improve the educational environment and enhance the academic performance of students. 

ICT will continue to be a part of our future as it connects itself to more and more parts of our lives. we like to use ICT for personal growth, creativity, and joy, consumption, and wealth.  
